I watched the presidential debate last night. We can argue about who got what right, and the fact checkers can weigh in, but in the end, my hunch is that most of us read the energy of the candidates more than we analyzed every word they said.
If you were able to watch or listen, ask yourself, which candidate seemed energized? Which candidate was not? How did that make you feel about each of them? Did it make you trust one more than the other?
I sensed that Obama was tired, while Romney was energized. Remember this when you are interviewing, in a relationship, or making a presentation. The facts are important, but in the wise words of Maya Angelou, “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
My key takeaway? It’s important to learn how to work with your energy. One of the key pieces to clear energy is being in your truth, otherwise you can get very stuck! What is authentic for you? When you align with who you are and what you need, your energy can shine through you. Although the path can be challenging, it’s worth the trip.