Have you ever noticed that when you are doing what you love, you feel peaceful, clear and alive? You feel like you have energy to go on for hours without tiring and you can’t wait to do it again. In these moments, you are aligned in body, spirit and mind. All is well with the world.
On the other hand, when you’re not excited about getting out of bed in the morning or you find yourself exhausted all the time, check in. If nothing seems good enough, is it because you are spending all your energy keeping up appearances to fit into other’s expectations? Are you possibly living by your own faulty assumptions and expectations about what your life “should be”?
Listen for the whisper of your authentic self. When you engage in activities that please your parent(s), your lover or someone other than you, chances are, you are not honoring your truth. The funny thing about that is that your truth won’t leave you alone. It pushes on you, often in some subconscious way, creating stress and fogginess. Sometimes you may even create bad habits like overeating or engaging in substance abuse to better ignore that small voice nagging at you, trying to tell you, ‘something is not right here.’
We are often afraid to hear what our inner voice has to say. There may be guilt, anger, conflict and ultimately, a need to take corrective action if we are courageous enough to allow ourselves to pay attention. But that voice is your friend. It is the voice that wants you to experience the joy of aligning to your life purpose. Like a good friend, it will keep nagging you to do the right thing for you.
I won’t kid you. If you’re not in the habit of honoring your authentic self, it can be a challenging journey to acknowledge who you are. You may disappoint some people in your life. You may leave some others behind. You may need to start a new career. It can be scary – BUT, the place it will lead you - back to yourself - will be incredibly meaningful and empowering.
If you aren’t sure where or how to start to listen to your inner voice, here are some of my favorite resources and ideas to get you started:
1) Start a mindfulness or a meditation practice of your choice. Any mindfulness practice will put you back in touch with yourself. There are tons of resources online – and practices come in many flavors. Explore and experiment.
2) Create space and time in your life to do more of the things you love. Take 30 minutes a day (or more) to do something for you.
3) Find a book to guide you. Here are some of my favorites:
4) Work with a coach. Individual or group coaching can be useful if you want a partner to help support and guide you toward clarity about your authentic path. (More on this)
5) Work with a therapist. Therapy may be extremely beneficial for certain situations. If you have experienced trauma, or face serious emotional issues or medical conditions, including anxiety and depression, working with a psychotherapist may be an important first step to finding your way.
Once you find your personal truth and accept who you are and what you value as being good and worthwhile, you can begin to make choices that lead you to more joy. Take a breath and listen. Know that you are worth it.
Interested in a complimentary 30-minute coaching consultation? Call me at 781-237-3420 or send me an e-mail at cat@theprojectcoach.com to find out how you can clarify your goals and make your dreams come true.