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Confronting Conflict with Heart

Posted by Catherine Saar on Tue, Aug 27, 2013 @ 09:29 AM

describe the image

Conflict with someone you care about (or have to work with), can make the stakes for satisfactory resolution very high. How you handle the situation affects not only how you feel about yourself, but also how the other person feels about you. Swallowing your needs may lead to resentment.  Lashing out may damage the relationship.

So how do you speak up for yourself, listen to the other person, and manage to keep an openhearted connection when you are in the middle of a heated disagreement?

Deepak Chopra says that through mindfulness, we can begin to develop ”the ability to calmly and objectively observe a situation, acknowledge when we are being triggered and choose how we want to respond. Instead of feeling stuck in knee jerk reactions and conditioned patterns of behavior, we free ourselves to make choices that will help us fulfill our deepest desires for love, fulfillment and happiness.”*

That really resonates for me. There are several mindfulness practices, including self-empathy that help me to consult my heart before acting on emotion.  In so doing, I get the chance to express myself with compassion– for myself - as well as for the other person, rather than responding out of anger, guilt or fear.

Following this path doesn’t mean giving up on what you want.  It also doesn’t mean ignoring the needs and wants of the other person either. Considering both sets of needs is important when you care about the relationship.

At times when it seems easier to clam up or lash out, consider whether either of those actions will deliver a peaceful, satisfying result. When the answer is no, investing the energy to calmly engage can be worthwhile.  Once committed, here are some tips that can help guide you through a connected interaction:

  • Take time to self assess. A deep breath and a brief time-out may enable you to connect with your feelings and needs. Sometimes saying, “This issue is clearly very important, and I really want to talk about it with you. Can you give me a minute to get my thoughts together?” may be just what you need to center yourself.
  • Focus on the issue, not the person. Avoid name-calling and personal attacks to reduce the likelihood of hurt feelings.
  • Acknowledge feelings. Respectfully listen and acknowledge the person’s feelings, either verbally or by giving them undivided attention. Be careful not to tell someone that he or she “shouldn’t” feel a certain way. Also try saving your point of view until after the other person knows that you understand how intensely they feel about the issue, even if you don’t agree with their point of view.
  • Try curiosity not defensiveness. Avoid defending yourself by proclaiming innocence, or rightness, or by attacking and blaming the other person.  This escalates a confrontation. Instead, ask for more information, details, and examples. There is usually some basis for the other person’s complaint and these questions can lead to a better understanding of what the issue is.
  • Give/Ask for specifics. When you or the other party has complaints, ask for (or give) specific examples so you can both get greater clarity.
  • Find points of agreement. Usually, a conflict has points of agreement.  Seek places where your needs match the needs of the other person. Finding common ground, even if it’s simply agreeing that there is a problem, can contribute to a solution.
  • Consider many options. Invite collaboration and resolution by offering and asking politely for suggestions and alternatives. Carefully consider each suggestion and be open to trying an approach you might not have previously considered. 

And remember, with any important relationship, conflict resolution is not about winning. It’s about taking care of you while seeking solutions that meet needs for all involved parties. Take a deep breath - and good luck


*Quotation from Oprah Winfrey's 21-Day Relationship Meditation Challenge document Day 16.


Tags: relationship, heart, collaboration, compassion, curiosity, clarity, love, free, conflict resolution, meditation, Oprah Winfrey, avoid escalation, mindfulness, stressful, Tips, teleseminar, Deepak Chopra, resentful, happiness, resolution, fulfillment, emotion

How to Benefit by Turning Your Job Search into a Project

Posted by Catherine Saar on Thu, Dec 08, 2011 @ 08:51 AM

Looking for a new job is a project – and it can be a streKozzi man smiles at desk 644x806ssful one, especially if you’re currently unemployed.  To make it better, I suggest you treat your job search as if it were a part-time job.  Being organized and getting dressed everyday – as well as taking time for lunch and getting exercise, can help relieve stress.  My experience is that a healthy, less stressed job seeker is usually more effective and more energetic - and that often translates into better results.  

Here are some tips and guidelines to consider when putting your project plan in place: 

  • Set a goal for daily and weekly hours for working on your job search.  If possible, set regular office hours for yourself. 
  • Don’t overdo it.  Forty hours a week may be too taxing.  Considering starting with 20 to 25 hours a week and adjust as needed.
  • Create an organized, professional workspace for yourself. Sitting in front of the TV with a bowl of cereal in your hand and a notepad on your lap may not be the best strategy for clear thinking.
  • Make yourself presentable.  You’re valuable.  Treat yourself as such.  You don’t have to dress-up in business clothes, but looking good contributes to a positive outlook. 
  • Each week, set goals and create a project plan for what you want to accomplish during your office hours.  Here are some activities to consider:
  • Spend time on your personal brand if you are making a career shift or change.  Take time to take career surveys, do informational interviews and develop a clear awareness of what you want from your next position.
  • Network in-person, on the phone and online.  Online networking is important, but don’t overlook high touch contact.  
  • Develop new contacts by joining groups and attending industry-networking functions.
  • Follow companies and apply for positions using targeted online job sites. There are many to consider, so pick the ones that suit you.
  • Update your resume and cover letters as needed.
  • Volunteer or take classes that improve or increase your marketable skills.

Last but not least, make time outside of your project schedule to connect with friends and share a few laughs.  Because looking for a job is a job, you will benefit by taking time to recharge your batteries. 

Best wishes for a happy, healthy and successful hunt.   By the way, what job search tips have worked well for you?

Tags: professional, network, results, change, goal, skills, part-time job, relieve stress, valuable, career shift, exercise, how to, resume, benefit, successful, unemployed, project plan, marketable, job sites, recharge, cover letters job search tips, happy, project, stressful, job search, online networking, industry